September 2024

July and August contained an interesting mix of activities. July is the second of my six-monthly medicals per year (the first is in January) so it was off for a blood test and then to discuss the results with Frank O’Tremba. Apart from slightly high cholesterol (under treatment), results for liver, kidney, (non)diabetes etc looking good. Yes folks, it’s official, I’m going to live forever!

At the end of July I also undertook my first ever visit to the West Kowloon Cultural District to check out the facilities, luckily I was escorted by local expert John Batten. Quite an eye-opener and I have finally expunged the shame of never having been before. Palace Museum still to go though.

I was reappointed as a judge in the annual China Daily young reporter contest. This is fun to do as it keeps me in touch with the issues that concern young people and I get a glimpse of their views.

I squeezed in no fewer than four visits to my old friend Hugh Philipson, now alas bedridden in St James’ Settlement. He and wife Ruth had initially retired to the UK but returned to Hong Kong when it became clear their main social links were still here. It was good to be able to cheer him up and find that despite the obvious difficulties he is still able to engage in serious conversations.

One of the many advantages of living in Hong Kong is the ability to attend important/interesting speaking engagements. I found three to cherish, Michigan Supreme Court judge Richard Bernstein who is able to win election despite being blind, one of my all time heroes Singapore diplomat Kishore Mahbubani, and former senior American official Eden Woon.

As the summer ended I was looking forward to an important conference on sports and tourism, and to the 50th anniversary of my marriage to Marion.
