Op Ed Pieces
ID390Date24 Feb, 2025SubjectNorthern MetropolisPublicationSCMP “Path to Northern Metropolis funding a stern test for Chan”
ID389Date10 Feb, 2025SubjectHK EmigrantsPublicationSCMP “Time to ask if HK emigrants should have healthcare access”
ID388Date27 Jan, 2025SubjectLegal SystemPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong need not get defensive about national security”
ID387Date13 Jan, 2025SubjectPublic FinancesPublicationSCMP “City faces hard choices on spending to fix budget deficit”
ID386Date30 Dec, 2024SubjectFuneral ArrangementsPublicationSCMP “After-death arrangements will spare loved ones some grief”
ID385Date16 Dec, 2024SubjectPublic FinancesPublicationSCMP “Woes should spur HK leaders into urgent resolute action”
ID384Date2 Dec, 2024SubjectForeign TravelPublicationSCMP “Public transport in London is a mess compared to HK”
ID383Date18 Nov, 2024SubjectSocial MediaPublicationSCMP “HK must watch how Australia handles social media use”
ID382Date4 Nov, 2024SubjectPolice BailPublicationSCMP “Police bail in Hong Kong needs a reasonable time limit”
ID381Date21 Oct, 2024SubjectFlat SizePublicationSCMP “City’s small flats will drive international talent elsewhere”
ID380Date7 Oct, 2024SubjectTourism StrategyPublicationSCMP “HK is a happening place but can we convince tourists”
ID379Date23 Sep, 2024SubjectPolicy AddressPublicationSCMP “John Lee can secure a legacy beyond national security”
ID378Date9 Sep, 2024SubjectResidential HousingPublicationSCMP “ To buy or not to buy in this volatile market”
ID377Date26 Aug, 2024SubjectPanda TwinsPublicationSCMP “Let’s be realistic about the prospects of a panda economy”
ID376Date12 Aug, 2024SubjectTaxi ServicesPublicationSCMP “Taxi licensing scheme is just old wine in new bottles”
ID375Date29 Jul, 2024SubjectForeign TalentPublicationSCMP “Key to HK success is to remain nation’s international city”
ID374Date15 Jul, 2024SubjectPublic FinancesPublicationSCMP “Rosy view of city’s finances doesn’t tell the whole story”
ID373Date1 Jul, 2024SubjectSubdivided UnitsPublicationSCMP “On housing, city is not letting best be the enemy of the good”
ID372Date17 Jun, 2024SubjectForeign JudgesPublicationSCMP “Presence of foreign judges helps distinguish Hong Kong”
ID371Date3 Jun, 2024SubjectLantau TourismPublicationSCMP “South Lantau tourism plan a case of better late than never”
ID370Date20 May, 2024SubjectTaxi ServicePublicationSCMP “What hi-tech hub has taxis that can’t take card payments?”
ID369Date6 May, 2024SubjectCathay RecoveryPublicationSCMP “Cathay can fly high again once it restores sense of family”
ID368Date22 Apr, 2024SubjectWaste ChargingPublicationSCMP “Public education can clear waste-charging doubts”
ID367Date8 Apr, 2024SubjectOverseas PRPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong is its own best sale pitch – just let it speak”
ID366Date23 Mar, 2024SubjectPreserving HeritagePublicationSCMP “It is time for second thoughts on flower market revamp”
ID365Date11 Mar, 2024SubjectMega EventsPublicationSCMP “How a truly ‘mega’ event could silence Article 23 critics”
ID364Date26 Feb, 2024Subject2024 BudgetPublicationSCMP “Time for Hong Kong to go the way of Singapore on GST”
ID363Date12 Feb, 2024SubjectNational SecurityPublicationSCMP “Unfinished work on Article 23 must be addressed”
ID362Date22 Jan,2024SubjectHK MarathonPublicationSCMP “Let’s put our best foot forward with a revamped marathon”
ID361Date15 Jan, 2024SubjectVaccination ProtectionPublicationSCMP “Come flu season, city’s hospitals are under siege again”
ID360Date1 Jan, 2024SubjectPolice BailPublicationSCMP “Suspects on police bail are disappearing down a black hole”
ID359Date18 Dec, 2023SubjectModern ChinaPublicationSCMP “Hongkongers need to visit mainland with an open mind”
ID358Date5 Dec, 2023SubjectRule of LawPublicationSCMP “Lunar New Year stall row fuels critics of city’s rule of law”
ID357Date20 Nov, 2023SubjectEntertainment VenuesPublicationSCMP “Why superstars still keep skipping Hong Kong shows”
ID356Date6 Nov, 2023Subject2024 BudgetPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong deserves the hard truth about its finances”
ID355Date23 Oct, 2023SubjectMideast WarPublicationSCMP “Israel-Gaza war shakes Hong Kong faithful to the core”
ID354Date9 Oct, 2023SubjectAttracting ForeignersPublicationSCMP “Biased narratives of city will crumble if foreigners visit”
ID353Date25 Sep, 2023SubjectIllegal StructuresPublicationSCMP “Punish all parties involved in illegal building works”
ID352Date11 Sep, 2023SubjectPublic FinancesPublicationSCMP “City must continue to resist temptation of magic money”
ID351Date28 Aug, 2023SubjectElderly CarePublicationSCMP “How will the city care for its growing number of elderly?”
ID350Date14 Aug, 2023SubjectTerminal AccessPublicationSCMP “Go back to the original plans to fix cruise terminals woes”
ID349Date31 Jul, 2023SubjectUnauthorised WorksPublicationSCMP “HK needs to focus on important building safety issues”
ID348Date17 Jul, 2023SubjectPandemic EffectsPublicationSCMP “Social Anxiety among pandemic’s lingering impact on city”
ID347Date3 Jul, 2023SubjectCE PerformancePublicationSCMP “John Lee deserves B + for first year, but challenges lie ahead”
ID346Date19 Jun, 2023SubjectFanling PlanPublicationSCMP “Destroying golf course for flats would be an act of folly”
ID345Date5 Jun, 2023SubjectParty PoliticsPublicationSCMP “Defying Beijing set Civic Party on the road to irrelevance”
ID344Date22 May, 2023Subject$2 SchemePublicationSCMP “Ageing Hong Kong can’t afford elderly transport subsidy?”
ID343Date8 May, 2023SubjectGay GamesPublicationSCMP “Cool heads must prevail amid opposition to Gay Games”
ID342Date24 Apr, 2023SubjectMPF PayoutPublicationSCMP “BN(O) passport holders should blame UK for MPF worries”
ID341Date10 Apr, 2023SubjectTunnel TollsPublicationSCMP “Bold experiment on tunnel toll changes deserves credit”
ID340Date27 Mar, 2023SubjectTrade WarPublicationSCMP “Why are we casualties in US economic war with China?”
ID339Date13 Mar, 2023SubjectTraffic SafetyPublicationSCMP “How we can ease concerns over elderly taxi drivers”
ID338Date27 Feb, 2023SubjectAnnual BudgetPublicationSCMP “Best remedy for Hong Kong’s ailing economy is talent”
ID337DateFeb 13, 2023SubjectTourism PromotionPublicationSCMP “We need to remind tourists why we are simply the best”
ID336Date30 Jan, 2023SubjectSecond ChancesPublicationSCMP “Second chance can allow protesters to contribute to society”
ID335Date16 Jan, 2023SubjectMask MandatePublicationSCMP “End city’s embarrassment by dropping mask mandate”
ID334Date2 Jan, 2023Subject50 Years in HKPublicationSCMP “From colony to one country, two systems – and no regrets”
ID333Date19 Dec, 2022Subject2023 PrioritiesPublicationSCMP “Six resolutions for John Lee as city navigates rough waters”
ID332Date5 Dec, 2022SubjectJiang ZeminPublicationSCMP “When Jiang showed the world that HK meant business”
ID331Date21 Nov, 2022SubjectCovid PolicyPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong says it wants to reopen, but acts like it does not”
ID330Date7 Nov, 2022SubjectPolicy PriorityPublicationSCMP “For our ‘super connector’ city, it’s all about the economy”
ID329Date24 Oct, 2022SubjectUrban RenewalPublicationSCMP “Redevelopment of older buildings must be handled fairly”
ID328Date10 Oct, 2022SubjectCE PerformancePublicationSCMP “Chief Executive merits a ‘B’ on his 100-day report card”
ID327Date26 Sep, 2022SubjectCovid PolicyPublicationSCMP “Endless reminders of the pandemic are bad for morale”
ID326Date12 Sep, 2022SubjectAbandoned VehiclesPublicationSCMP “Incentives better than enforcement to fix vehicle dumping”
ID325Date29 Aug, 2022SubjectCovid RestrictionsPublicationSCMP “City needs to change Covid-19 mindset to save economy”
ID324Date15 Aug, 2022SubjectHK Golf ClubPublicationSCMP “Preserving golf club’s natural beauty must be a priority”
ID323Date1 Aug, 2022SubjectPolicy AddressPublicationSCMP “A clear wish list for the chief executive’s policy address”
ID322Date18 Jul, 2022SubjectCovid PolicyPublicationSCMP “Health code must be precursor to ending Covid-19 curbs”
ID321Date4 Jul, 2022SubjectRugby SevensPublicationSCMP “Sevens must be a real comeback party, or we should wait”
ID320Date20 Jun, 2022SubjectCovid PolicyPublicationSCMP “End the Covid-19 hysteria and give us back our lives”
ID319Date6 Jun, 2022SubjectCivil Service PayPublicationSCMP “Record pay increase for civil servants cannot be justified”
ID318Date23 May, 2022SubjectHousing ProductionPublicationSCMP “Make targets plain, clear and impossible to manipulate”
ID317Date9 May, 2022SubjectOpening UpPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong must reopen to the world before it is too late”
ID316Date25 Apr, 2022SubjectNational SecurityPublicationSCMP “How to get city fully behind Article 23 security legislation”
ID315Date11 Apr, 2022SubjectNew CEPublicationSCMP “Lee’s ascendancy proves unpredictability of HK politics”
ID314Date28 Mar, 2022SubjectOpening UpPublicationSCMP “Easing of pandemic control measures offers few benefits”
ID313Date14 Mar, 2022SubjectPublic MoralePublicationSCMP “Time to make the city feel like home again and less like prison”
ID312Date28 Feb, 2022SubjectGovernment FailurePublicationSCMP “Carrie Lam’s Omicron failures forced Beijing to intervene”
ID311Date14 Feb, 2022SubjectFighting COVIDPublicationSCMP “How the city made a hash of ‘dynamic zero’ policy”
ID310Date31 Jan, 2022SubjectHandling COVIDPublicationSCMP “Stop protecting the unjabbed and punishing everyone else”
ID309Date17 Jan, 2022SubjectTackling PovertyPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong must do more to tackle its poverty problem”
ID308Date3 Jan, 2022SubjectLegco OutreachPublicationSCMP “New lawmakers must reach out to youth and foreign firms”
ID307Date1 Nov, 2021SubjectFlats Minimum SizePublicationSCMP “Decent homes for Hongkongers is not too much to ask?”
ID306Date18 Oct, 2021SubjectHandling COVIDPublicationSCMP “Unlike Singapore, HK might be stuck with ‘zero Covid’”
ID305Date4 Oct, 2021SubjectLegCo CandidatesPublicationSCMP “Next LegCo may need some realists to get balance right”
ID304Date20 Sep, 2021SubjectChief Executive choicesPublicationSCMP “Much to ponder in the race to be next chief executive”
ID303Date6 Sep, 2021SubjectFighting PandemicPublicationSCMP “Time to end vaccine dithering and get on with the jab”
ID302Date23 Aug, 2021SubjectLegCo ElectionsPublicationSCMP “Elections will reveal what voters really think of reforms”
ID301Date9 Aug, 2021SubjectChanging NationalityPublicationSCMP “City has much to offer, even for those who opt to leave”
ID300Date26 July, 2021SubjectVaccination ProgressPublicationSCMP “Hong Kong is falling behind others when it comes to jabs”
ID299Date12 July, 2021SubjectNational SecurityPublicationSCMP “A second effort at Article 23 can avoid mistakes of past”
ID298Date28 Jun, 2021SubjectPandemic TacticsPublicationSCMP “Where is the plan to ease curbs on vaccinated people?”
ID297Date14 Jun, 2021SubjectNext Chief ExecutivePublicationSCMP “Struggle to find viable candidates to lead Hong Kong”
ID296Date31 May, 2021SubjectUK foreign policyPublicationSCMP “Britain is pandering to American interests in Asia”
ID295Date17 May, 2021SubjectPandemic HandlingPublicationSCMP “Leadership needed to help overcome vaccine hesitancy”
ID294Date3 May, 2021SubjectPromoting VaccinationPublicationSCMP “Best way forward is to roll up our sleeves and get jab”
ID293Date19 Apr, 2021SubjectFighting PandemicPublicationSCMP “Hongkongers should get Covid-19 jabs for good of society”
ID292Date5 Apr, 2021SubjectXinjiang SagaPublicationSCMP “Why I will be sitting out the boycott of Xinjiang cotton”
ID291Date22 Mar, 2021SubjectPolitical DevelopmentPublicationSCMP “Missed opportunities to shape our city must not be repeated”
ID290Date8 Mar, 2021SubjectOcean ParkPublicationSCMP “To save Ocean Park, why not relocate the zoo there”
ID289Date22 Feb, 2021SubjectMinimum PayPublicationSCMP “HK is no place to be if you are jobless or on a basic wage”
ID288Date8 Feb, 2021SubjectBN(O) QuestionsPublicationSCMP “What are the real intentions behind BN(O) visa offer?”
ID287Date25 Jan, 2021SubjectBuck PassingPublicationSCMP “Small house policy a sign of leadership stuck in past”
ID286Date11 Jan, 2021SubjectQuestionable DetentionsPublicationSCMP “Mainland’s legal system clearly has room to improve”
ID285Date28 Dec, 2020SubjectNY WishesPublicationSCMP “After a dreadful year, three wishes for our city in 2021”
ID284Date14 Dec, 2020SubjectPandemic ResponsePublicationSCMP “Failures at the top to tackle COVID-19 are hurting HK”
ID283Date30 Nov, 2020SubjectPolicy AddressPublicationSCMP “Policy address is a mixed bag, with serious omissions”
ID282Date16 Nov, 2020SubjectTelling TruthsPublicationSCMP “Politicians should turn their attention to real problems”
ID281Date2 Nov, 2020SubjectPolicy AddressPublicationSCMP “Policy address must tackle the city’s many difficult issues”
ID280Date19 Oct, 2020SubjectExternal VotingPublicationSCMP “Lam has let the mainland voting genie out of the bottle”
ID279Date5 Oct, 2020SubjectTheme ParksPublicationSCMP “Fate of our theme parks hangs on the future of tourism”
ID278Date21 Sep, 2020SubjectPublic FinancesPublicationSCMP “The hardest budget our city has ever had to produce”
ID277Date7 Sep, 2020SubjectReflex ActionPublicationSCMP “Reaction to virus testing reveals city’s Pavlovian politics”
ID276Date24 Aug, 2020SubjectPolitical ObjectivesPublicationSCMP “Opposition should aim for winnable political battles”
ID275Date10 Aug, 2020SubjectElection DelayPublicationSCMP “Lam’s decision to postpone polls a major strategic error”
ID274Date27 Jul, 2020SubjectElection QuestionsPublicationSCMP “Three questions for voters ahead of September’s poll”
ID273Date13 Jul, 2020SubjectOverlapping IssuesPublicationSCMP “Good, bad and ugly as pandemic and racism overlap”
ID272Date29 Jun, 2020SubjectLocal politicsPublicationSCMP “City has a bad case of chronic immaturity syndrome”
ID271Date15 Jun, 2020SubjectMinisterial ReshufflePublicationSCMP “System of ministerial accountability dead and buried”
ID270Date1 Jun, 2020SubjectNational securityPublicationSCMP “City has no one to blame but itself for new security law”
ID269Date18 May, 2020SubjectDisjointed politicsPublicationSCMP “HK needs should not be ignored despite global tensions”
ID268Date4 May, 2020SubjectOpening UpPublicationSCMP “City should adopt steady approach to easing social curbs”
ID267Date20 Apr, 2020SubjectPolarisationPublicationSCMP “Police watchdog key to bridging HK’s protect divide”
ID266Date6 Apr, 2020SubjectHandling CrisesPublicationSCMP “Need for political reform in HK more urgent than ever”
ID265Date23 Mar, 2020SubjectSocial DivisionPublicationSCMP “Healing process should start now for our divided society”
ID264Date9 Mar, 2020SubjectHome OwnershipPublicationSCMP “City must find a way to boost the home ownership rate”
ID263Date24 Feb, 2020SubjectBudget StrategyPublicationSCMP “One-off budget favours better than billions for peace”
ID262Date10 Feb, 2020SubjectCoronavirus OutbreakPublicationSCMP “Why I refuse to queue for masks and join the panic”
ID261Date24 Jan, 2020SubjectTheme ParksPublicationSCMP “Ocean Park has had its day, use the site for housing”
ID260Date10 Jan, 2020SubjectLiaison OfficePublicationSCMP “A few suggestions for Beijing’s new man in Hong Kong”
ID259Date30 Dec, 2019SubjectNY ResolutionsPublicationSCMP “Now is the time for leaders to show the way forward”
ID258Date16 Dec, 2019SubjectCE QualitiesPublicationSCMP “Next leader must win over Beijing and the HK public”
ID257Date2 Dec, 2019SubjectDemocratic ReformPublicationSCMP “A compelling case for change ahead of Legco Elections”
ID256Date18 Nov, 2019SubjectEscalating ViolencePublicationSCMP “Protest violence is wrong but official inaction is worse”
ID255Date4 Nov, 2019SubjectFuture UncertaintyPublicationSCMP “Why Beijing should clarify what happens after 2047”
ID254Date21 Oct, 2019SubjectDC ElectionsPublicationSCMP “District Polls will show if protests have reshaped the city”
ID253Date7 Oct, 2019SubjectWay ForwardPublicationSCMP “Officials must address political issues behind the unrest”
ID252Date23 Sep, 2019SubjectForeign CommentaryPublicationSCMP “London or Washington will not come to HK’s rescue”
ID251Date9 Sep, 2019SubjectProtest ParticipationPublicationSCMP “Time to go back to school for protesters and politicians”
ID250Date26 Aug, 2019SubjectAddressing ProtestsPublicationSCMP “Clock is ticking loudly for city as National Day looms”
ID249Date12 Aug, 2019SubjectMinisterial AccountabilityPublicationSCMP “HK’s concept of accountability has fallen into disuse”
ID248Date29 Jul, 2019SubjectReform InitiativePublicationSCMP “Time for pan-democrats to show some leadership”
ID247Date15 Jul, 2019SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP “HK needs chief executive who is accountable to the public”
ID246Date1 Jul, 2019SubjectTaiwan PoliticsPublicationSCMP “HK holds key to Taiwan’s reunification with mainland”
ID245Date17 Jun, 2019SubjectProtest MarchPublicationSCMP “Why I marched alongside a million Hong Kong people”
ID244Date3 Jun, 2019SubjectOverseas PerceptionPublicationSCMP “World is watching Hong Kong’s dramas play out”
ID243Date20 May, 2019SubjectTravel ReflectionsPublicationSCMP “Time to embrace change and open doors to competition”
ID242Date6 May, 2019SubjectBrexitPublicationSCMP “Britain faces stark choices on Brexit: stay or crash out”
ID241Date22 Apr, 2019SubjectExtradition ControversyPublicationSCMP “Row highlights need to speak truth to power”
ID240Date8 Apr, 2019SubjectRetirement AgePublicationSCMP “A leisurely retirement for elderly is a thing of the past”
ID239Date25 Mar, 2019SubjectMTRC ManagementPublicationSCMP “Time has come for a complete overhaul of the MTR”
ID238Date11 Mar, 2019SubjectPublic ToiletsPublicationSCMP “Better management is key to fixing city’s dirty toilets”
ID237Date25 Feb, 2019SubjectOverseas DoctorsPublicationSCMP “Ease entry to foreign-trained medical professionals”
ID236Date11 Feb, 2019SubjectEndangered SpeciesPublicationSCMP “HK must treat wildlife trafficking as a serious crime”
ID235Date18 Jan, 2019SubjectRoad TrafficPublicationSCMP “HK needs curbs on private cars to reduce congestion”
ID234Date14 Jan, 2019SubjectNational AnthemPublicationSCMP “It stands to reason that common sense inform the law”
ID233Date31 Dec, 2018SubjectGovernment PerformancePublicationSCMP "A spectacular own goal and a few misses for 2018"
ID232Date17 Dec, 2018SubjectAging PopulationPublicationSCMP "How Hong Kong can prepare for the silver tsunami"
ID231Date3 Dec, 2018SubjectHK IndependencePublicationSCMP "When it comes to support for independence, just say no"
ID230Date19 Nov, 2018SubjectGreater Bay AreaPublicationSCMP "Success of bay area plan will depend on young people"
ID229Date5 Nov, 2018SubjectEast LantauPublicationSCMP "Why Lantau reclamation plan should get a new name"
ID228Date22 Oct, 2018SubjectCandidate SelectionPublicationSCMP "Why pan-democrats are better off without Lau Siu-lai"
ID227Date8 Oct, 2018SubjectPublic SubsidyPublicationSCMP "Make sensible choices instead of opting for subsidies"
ID226Date24 Sep, 2018SubjectClimate ChangePublicationSCMP "Act now on climate change, or millions will be homeless"
ID225Date10 Sep, 2018SubjectNano FlatsPublicationSCMP "Two quick ways to help tackle the city’s housing crisis"
ID224Date27 Aug, 2018SubjectIndependencePublicationSCMP "Andy Chan's arguments fail the "common sense" test"
ID223Date13 Aug, 2018SubjectIndependencePublicationSCMP "Talk on city's independence shows silly season is here"
ID222Date30 Jul, 2018SubjectRide HailingPublicationSCMP "Miracle of market forces can help improve taxi services"
ID221Date16 Jul, 2018SubjectBrexitPublicationSCMP "Why even a "soft Brexit" would leave Britain in a mess"
ID220Date2 Jul, 2018SubjectWorld CupPublicationSCMP "The real winners of the World Cup are not on the pitch"
ID219Date18 Jun, 2018SubjectMTRC ScandalsPublicationSCMP "Why the MTRC needs a more independent board"
ID218Date4 Jun, 2018SubjectMinisters PerformancePublicationSCMP "A year on, who's making the grade in Lam’s cabinet?"
ID217Date21 May, 2018SubjectLanguage DebatePublicationSCMP "Let's depoliticise this mother tongue conversation"
ID216Date7 May, 2018SubjectBudget SurplusPublicationSCMP "National security law is first step on path to democracy"
ID215Date23 Apr, 2018SubjectLand SupplyPublicationSCMP "Two viable options to solve our housing challenge"
ID214Date9 Apr, 2018SubjectMPF OffsetPublicationSCMP "Why government is wrong on pensions overhaul"
ID213Date26 Mar, 2018SubjectBy-election ResultsPublicationSCMP "How the pan-democrats can win back the public"
ID212Date12 Mar, 2018SubjectBudget SurplusPublicationSCMP "It's not easy having too much money – just ask Paul Chan"
ID211Date26 Feb, 2018SubjectMarching StylePublicationSCMP "Marching orders from the liaison office are troubling"
ID210Date12 Feb, 2018SubjectPrivate ClubsPublicationSCMP "Politics of Envy has no place in Hong Kong"
ID209Date29 Jan, 2018SubjectTraffic CongestionPublicationSCMP "It is time to get tough on private car ownership"
ID208Date15 Jan, 2018SubjectOur FuturePublicationSCMP "There is life for Hong Kong after 2047"
ID207Date1 Jan, 2018SubjectNY ResolutionsPublicationSCMP "Resolutions for Hong Kong in the new year"
ID206Date18 Dec, 2017SubjectArticle 23PublicationSCMP "Enact Article 23 – or Beijing may do it for us"
ID205Date4 Dec, 2017SubjectDisqualified MembersPublicationSCMP "Refund demand is unacceptable persecution"
ID204Date20 Nov, 2017SubjectImproving TransportPublicationSCMP "Three ways to get traffic flowing again"
ID203Date6 Nov, 2017SubjectPublic HousingPublicationSCMP "Raise the level of home ownership, not dependency"
ID202Date23 Oct, 2017SubjectPolicy AddressPublicationSCMP "Lam is ready to be the proactive leader HK needs"
ID201Date9 Oct, 2017SubjectLife’s RisksPublicationSCMP "How safe is it for our children to study abroad?"
ID200Date25 Sep, 2017SubjectPolicy PreviewPublicationSCMP "Will Carrie Lam open the door to Article 23?"
ID199Date11 Sep, 2017SubjectUK VisasPublicationSCMP "Visa delays just latest episode of UK failing city"
ID198Date28 Aug, 2017SubjectHelping SMEsPublicationSCMP "Steps to help start-ups succeed in Hong Kong"
ID197Date14 Aug, 2017SubjectESF FeesPublicationSCMP "ESF fee rises hurt the middle class, and HK"
ID196Date31 Jul, 2017SubjectCo-Location ControversyPublicationSCMP "Pan-democrats on wrong track with express rail"
ID195Date17 Jul, 2017SubjectNew CE HoneymoonPublicationSCMP "Can goodwill help Lam ride out the storms?"
ID194Date3 Jul, 2017SubjectAccepting RealityPublicationSCMP "Radicals need to grow up and learn respect"
ID193Date18 Jun, 2017SubjectTransport PolicyPublicationSCMP "Three ways HK transport chief failed the people"
ID192Date5 Jun, 2017SubjectFood TrucksPublicationSCMP "Who will be left holding the baby if food trucks fail"
ID191Date22 May, 2017SubjectHK MoralePublicationSCMP "Hong Kong must assert its role as China’s first city"
ID190Date6 May, 2017SubjectVillage HousingPublicationSCMP "Small house policy overdue for bulldozing"
ID189Date24 Apr, 2017SubjectOccupy PardonsPublicationSCMP "Amnesty call at least shows HK is ready to heal"
ID188Date10 Apr, 2017SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "No compromise, no universal suffrage in HK"
ID187Date27 Mar, 2017SubjectCE PrioritiesPublicationSCMP "Now for the hard part: governing wisely"
ID186Date13 Mar, 2017SubjectEasing TensionsPublicationSCMP "Calm after the storm of Occupy assault case?"
ID185Date27 Feb, 2017SubjectDonald TsangPublicationSCMP "Unbecoming end for a devoted servant of HK"
ID184Date13 Feb, 2017SubjectInfluence PeddlingPublicationSCMP "Kowtowing to the Kuk is a sad fact of HK politics"
ID183Date30 Jan, 2017SubjectVested InterestsPublicationSCMP "Taxi fare saga reveals vested interests still rule"
ID182Date16 Jan, 2017SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Lack of reform poisoning heart of HK politics"
ID181Date2 Jan, 2017SubjectMPFPublicationSCMP "Workers need a better MPF system and cover for rainy days"
ID180Date19 Dec, 2016SubjectCE CandidatesPublicationSCMP "Lam could be the best bet for pan-democrats"
ID179Date5 Dec, 2016SubjectCE QualitiesPublicationSCMP "HK needs a Jedi to lead us out of the darkness"
ID178Date21 Nov, 2016SubjectGood IntentionsPublicationSCMP "The basic law of unintended consequences"
ID177Date7 Nov, 2016SubjectUGL PaymentPublicationSCMP "Transparency is best way out of UGL fog"
ID176Date24 Oct, 2016SubjectLegco ConductPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong's legislature, a world-class circus run by clowns"
ID175Date10 Oct, 2016SubjectLand DevelopmentPublicationSCMP "Land realities call for radical approach in NT"
ID174Date26 Sept, 2016SubjectElection ResultsPublicationSCMP "After Legco poll fiasco, all eyes are on Beijing"
ID173Date12 Sept, 2016SubjectHK IndependencePublicationSCMP "Independence debate fueled by misinformation"
ID172Date29 Aug, 2016SubjectLegco ElectionsPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong's political future on the line"
ID171Date15 Aug, 2016SubjectIndependencePublicationSCMP "Let voters, not officials, decide candidates' fate"
ID170Date1 Aug, 2016SubjectIndependencePublicationSCMP "How not to handle calls for independence"
ID169Date18 Jul, 2016SubjectCampaign NonsensePublicationSCMP "Fuss over MTR and Link Reit shows it's election time again"
ID168Date4 Jul, 2016SubjectPremium TaxisPublicationSCMP "Is a modern, safe taxi too much to ask for in HK?"
ID167Date20 Jun, 2016SubjectUS ElectionsPublicationSCMP "White House race: Hollywood can’t do better"
ID166Date6 Jun, 2016SubjectDevelopmentPublicationSCMP "How to tap developers' vast land banks"
ID165Date23 May, 2016SubjectCE ElectionPublicationSCMP "A sparse line-up, 10 months before leadership race"
ID164Date9 May, 2016SubjectMuslim IntegrationPublicationSCMP "Clash of values a thorny issue in immigration"
ID163Date25 Apr, 2016SubjectAirport CapacityPublicationSCMP "HK must Face up to limits on its air (and land) space"
ID162Date11 Apr, 2016SubjectHK IndependencePublicationSCMP "With Legco elections coming up, officials should lighten up"
ID161Date28 Mar, 2016SubjectAsylum SeekersPublicationSCMP "Set up a camp in Hong Kong for asylum seekers"
ID160Date14 Mar, 2016Subject2047PublicationSCMP "No good reasons why HK systems won’t endure"
ID159Date29 Feb, 2016SubjectRule of LawPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong's rule of law is safe from rioters"
ID158Date15 Feb, 2016SubjectLantau DevelopmentPublicationSCMP "Can HK turn Lantau vision into reality?"
ID157Date1 Feb, 2016SubjectMedical CouncilPublicationSCMP "Doctors must swallow their bitter reform pill"
ID156Date18 Jan, 2016SubjectInternational SchoolsPublicationSCMP "Have Hong Kong's education officials lost their minds?"
ID155Date4 Jan, 2016SubjectOld Age PensionPublicationSCMP "Let's employ a little creativity in pension reform"
ID154Date21 Dec, 2015SubjectImmigration ArrangementsPublicationSCMP "Logic derailed in row over joint border controls"
ID153Date7 Dec, 2015SubjectCouncil ChairmanPublicationSCMP "King Arthur can rise to HKU challenge"
ID152Date23 Nov, 2015SubjectFreedom's ShieldPublicationSCMP "Lessons of Magna Carta are timeless"
ID151Date9 Nov, 2015SubjectPolitical CompromisePublicationSCMP "Can HK heed these lessons in positive politics"
ID150Date12 Oct, 2015SubjectRoyal InsigniaPublicationSCMP "Don’t hide Hong Kong’s colonial past"
ID149Date28 Sep, 2015SubjectRepublican DebatePublicationSCMP "Democracy goes live, and it’s not pretty"
ID148Date14 Sep, 2015SubjectRefugee CrisisPublicationSCMP "Exodus will leave no one untouched"
ID147Date31 Aug, 2015SubjectNew IdeasPublicationSCMP "Can-do Hong Kong finds its wings clipped"
ID146Date17 Aug, 2015SubjectProfessional StandardsPublicationSCMP "No room for complacency in an efficient HK"
ID145Date3 Ang, 2015SubjectUSA ImpressionsPublicationSCMP ""Still a beacon of promise"
ID144Date20 Jul, 2015SubjectContaminated WaterPublicationSCMP "Mystery of our tainted water scandal demands answers"
ID143Date6 Jul, 2015SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Can we get our great minds to think alike on political reform?"
ID142Date25 Jun, 2015SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "No mystery as to who killed HK reform plans"
ID141Date8 Jun, 2015SubjectChild DeportationPublicationSCMP "A sorry tale that shames Hong Kong"
ID140Date25 May, 2015SubjectExcessive FilibusteringPublicationSCMP "Pan-dams' obstructionist tactics will cost them dearly"
ID139Date11 May, 2015SubjectJudicial ProcessesPublicationSCMP "Indecent double standards undermine HK’s rule of law"
ID138Date27 Apr, 2015SubjectRefugee PoliciesPublicationSCMP "Europe's migrant crisis is a reminder of what's important"
ID137Date13 Apr, 2015SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "No one's a winner if there's no compromise on reform"
ID136Date30 Mar, 2015SubjectUnexpected ConsequencesPublicationSCMP "Beware misguided strategies and the cobra effect"
ID135Date16 Mar, 2015SubjectPoliticians' ConductPublicationSCMP "When will our politicians start to act like professionals?"
ID134Date2 Mar, 2015SubjectHousing CrisisPublicationSCMP "Where's the vision? A missed opportunity on housing"
ID133Date16 Feb, 2015SubjectPolitical TacticsPublicationSCMP "Pan dems' contribution to politics: de facto paralysis"
ID132Date2 Feb, 2015SubjectHousing SupplyPublicationSCMP "More new towns the answer to Hong Kong's housing woes"
ID131Date19 Jan, 2015SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Government and lawmakers can first agree on two modest LegCo reforms"
ID130Date5 Jan, 2015SubjectAir PollutionPublicationSCMP "Breathing the Sapporo air, with Hong Kong on my mind"
ID129Date22 Dec, 2014SubjectProsecution PolicyPublicationSCMP "For Occupy, prosecute only the non-political crimes"
ID128Date8 Dec, 2014SubjectUK MPs visitPublicationSCMP "A case of failed diplomacy, from London to Hong Kong"
ID127Date24 Nov, 2014SubjectGovt ActionPublicationSCMP "All hands on deck to keep the Hong Kong ship of state afloat"
ID126Date10 Nov, 2014SubjectOccupiers TenacityPublicationSCMP "165 sq ft flats offer a window into Occupy protect psyche"
ID125Date27 Oct, 2014SubjectLeadership VacuumPublicationSCMP "Hongkongers look in vain for the leadership they need"
ID124Date13 Oct, 2014SubjectPolitical CompromisePublicationSCMP "Let's get on with getting the best out of political reform"
ID123Date29 Sep, 2014SubjectScottish ReferendumPublicationSCMP "Faced with yes or no, the Scots found a middle way"
ID122Date15 Sep, 2014SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Pan-democrats must not ignore the low-hanging fruit"
ID121Date1 Sep, 2014SubjectRail OperationsPublicationSCMP "MTR Corp is not the villain in dog’s death on the tracks"
ID120Date18 Aug, 2014Subject3rd RunwayPublicationSCMP "HK needs a third runway – paid for by users, not taxpayers"
ID119Date4 Aug, 2014SubjectReform DebatePublicationSCMP "Young, bright and ready for democracy in Hong Kong"
ID118Date21 Jul, 2014SubjectPolitical CompromisePublicationSCMP "Left and right need to be in step for the reform fandango"
ID117Date7 Jul, 2014SubjectYouth DisaffectionPublicationSCMP "Who can build a bridge to our discontented youth?"
ID116Date23 Jun, 2014SubjectWhite PaperPublicationSCMP "Reaction to white paper based on fear, not facts"
ID115Date9 Jun, 2014SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "No mystery as to how HK's political reform tale will end"
ID114Date26 May, 2014SubjectMTRCPublicationSCMP "Three areas where rail link panel must do some digging"
ID113Date12 May, 2014SubjectReform DebatePublicationSCMP "Missed opportunities from both sides in reform debate"
ID112Date28 Apr, 2014SubjectForeign PolicyPublicationSCMP "Beijing should reconsider its South China Sea claims"
ID111Date14 Apr, 2014SubjectRetirement AgePublicationSCMP "Cut out the bureaucracy for retirement age to work"
ID110Date31 Mar, 2014SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Ray of hope as we get down to the nitty-gritty for 2017"
ID109Date17 Mar, 2014SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Aim for 2016 reform pact that most could live with"
ID108Date3 Mar, 2014SubjectPress FreedomPublicationSCMP "Whole of Hong Kong must take action in response to attack on Kevin Lau"
ID107Date17 Feb, 2014SubjectCrazy IdeasPublicationSCMP "Beware the lunatic ideas on the loose in Hong Kong"
ID106Date3 Feb, 2014SubjectUniversal PensionPublicationSCMP "Next on Hong Kong's policy agenda: a universal pension"
ID105Date20 Jan, 2014SubjectPolicy AddressPublicationSCMP "Self-styled voices of middle class should not begrudge a lift for the city's needy"
ID104Date6 Jan, 2014SubjectBudget PhilosophyPublicationSCMP "HK can't afford its neurotic prudence in public spending"
ID103Date23 Dec, 2013SubjectCE ElectionPublicationSCMP "'Collective nomination' will be a breach of the Basic Law"
ID102Date9 Dec, 2013SubjectPublic ConsultationPublicationSCMP "Electoral reform requires a balancing act of compromise"
ID101Date25 Nov, 2013SubjectCentral WaterfrontPublicationSCMP "Lines of a phoney war drawn in harbourfront zoning row"
ID100Date11 Nov, 2013SubjectRicky WongPublicationSCMP "The underdog no longer wins the day in today's Hong Kong"
ID99Date28 Oct, 2013SubjectTV LicencesPublicationSCMP "Why granting a free-to-air licence to HKTV would be good for the market"
ID98Date14 Oct, 2013SubjectManila HostagesPublicationSCMP "Families of Manila hostage crisis need closure"
ID97Date30 Sep, 2013SubjectDemocratic ReformPublicationSCMP "HK needs no help working out its democratic future"
ID96Date16 Sep, 2013SubjectHousing ProposalsPublicationSCMP "A little detective work required to get to the bottom of ridiculous housing ideas"
ID95Date2 Sep, 2013SubjectICAC PoliticizationPublicationSCMP "The ICAC has been politicized, though not by our chief executive"
ID94Date19 Aug, 2013SubjectTeacher IncidentPublicationSCMP "The tale of the foul-mouthed teacher just gets curiouser and curiouser"
ID93Date5 Aug, 2013SubjectEffective GovernancePublicationSCMP "Reforms should allow chief to be elected as party leader"
ID92Date22 Jul, 2013SubjectPolitical SavvyPublicationSCMP "In the classroom and out, freedom is in the air in HK"
ID91Date8 Jul, 2013SubjectEdward SnowdenPublicationSCMP "Three reasons why Snowden would be better off back here"
ID90Date24 Jun, 2013SubjectAmerican HackingPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong must stand tall in the fight for civic rights"
ID89Date10 Jun, 2013SubjectEducation of MinoritiesPublicationSCMP "Education officials going out of their way to fail children"
ID88Date27 May, 2013SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Democrats must now make their voices heard on reforms"
ID87Date13 May, 2013SubjectUniversal PensionPublicationSCMP "The universal pension debate Hong Kong should be having"
ID86Date29 Apr, 2013SubjectLegco RelationsPublicationSCMP "Gridlock in Legco is a disaster of our own making"
ID85Date15 Apr, 2013SubjectPort StrikePublicationSCMP "Pay aside, first ensure decent conditions for port workers"
ID84Date01 Apr, 2013SubjectCE QualitiesPublicationSCMP "Why do we need to be told that leaders must love HK?"
ID83Date18 Mar, 2013SubjectOccupy CentralPublicationSCMP "Compromise could be central to averting occupation threat"
ID82Date04 Mar, 2013Subject2013 BudgetPublicationSCMP "Forget the giveaways and focus on a universal pension"
ID81Date18 Feb, 2013Subject2016 ElectionPublicationSCMP "Pace of electoral reform the key to clearing barriers"
ID80Date04 Feb, 2013SubjectHK’s Walter MittyPublicationSCMP "No reason to indulge the fantasies of deluded dreamer"
ID79Date21 Jan, 2013SubjectMedia BiasPublicationSCMP "Criticism of the government must be based on fact"
ID78Date07 Jan, 2013SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "No fairy-tale ending to this pan-democratic fable"
ID77Date24 Dec, 2012SubjectDemocratic ReformPublicationSCMP "Be bold, Democrats: draw up your reform road map"
ID76Date10 Dec, 2012SubjectPolitical StrategyPublicationSCMP "How to turn crisis into opportunity, the Szeto way"
ID75Date26 Nov, 2012SubjectHome OwnershipPublicationSCMP "Build up home ownership first, and the rest will follow"
ID74Date12 Nov, 2012SubjectFunding EducationPublicationSCMP "ESF debate boils down to what’s fair for all HK children"
ID73Date29 Oct, 2012SubjectRequired InvestigationsPublicationSCMP "Three HK mysteries that would do Christie proud"
ID72Date15 Oct, 2012SubjectGauging Public ReactionPublicationSCMP "How did Leung and his team so misread the public mood?"
ID71Date01 Oct, 2012SubjectParallel TradersPublicationSCMP "Over the top crackdown on parallel traders is beneath us"
ID70Date17 Sep, 2012SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "After the election, it’s time to crunch the numbers for reform"
ID69Date03 Sep, 2012SubjectHousing PolicyPublicationSCMP "Finally, government acts to mend broken housing policy"
ID68Date20 Aug, 2012SubjectManaging LegCoPublicationSCMP "To win the game, CY must learn to lose a hand or two"
ID67Date06 Aug, 2012SubjectNational EducationPublicationSCMP "You can’t hurry love….or pride in country and people"
ID66Date23 Jul, 2012SubjectRelations with pan democratsPublicationSCMP "Chief Executive must learn from predecessor’s mistakes"
ID65Date09 Jul, 2012SubjectIllegal StructuresPublicationSCMP "Leung must dig himself out of credibility hole"
ID64Date25 Jun, 2012SubjectSmall HousesPublicationSCMP " Village revamps could put the squeeze on small-house policy"
ID63Date11 Jun, 2012SubjectImplementing AgendaPublicationSCMP "Leung should know the top job is no 100-metre dash"
ID62Date28 May, 2012SubjectPolitical DealPublicationSCMP "Why Article 23 and an open vote belong together"
ID61Date14 May, 2012SubjectCivil ServicePublicationSCMP "Time to draw the line under a politically biased civil service"
ID60Date30 Apr, 2012SubjectGovt ReshufflePublicationSCMP "Leung should not rush his vision for an expanded team"
ID59Date16 Apr, 2012SubjectPolicy PrioritiesPublicationSCMP "A five-point plan to a better city and second term at top"
ID58Date02 Apr, 2012Subject2017 ElectionPublicationSCMP "For 2017, let’s not forget the importance of being electable"
ID57Date19 Mar, 2012SubjectElection SmearsPublicationSCMP "More election bombshells to come? Don’t bet against it"
ID56Date05 Mar, 2012SubjectElection ScandalsPublicationSCMP "More dirt may show before political spring clean ends"
ID55Date20 Feb, 2012SubjectGovernment InformationPublicationSCMP "Facts should be the concern of our information officers"
ID54Date06 Feb, 2012SubjectPublic FinancesPublicationSCMP "Prudent Hong Kong has earned the right to vote"
ID53Date26 Jan, 2012SubjectESF SubventionPublicationSCMP "All Hong Kong children have right to expect equal support in their education"
ID52Date09 Jan, 2012SubjectPoverty GapPublicationSCMP "Wealth, wealth everywhere and not enough to live on"
ID51Date29 Dec, 2011SubjectElectricity PricesPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong should let market forces keep the price of its electricity down"
ID50Date12 Dec, 2011SubjectVote RiggingPublicationSCMP "Orchestrated vote-rigging should worry Hong Kong"
ID49Date28 Nov, 2011SubjectCE CandidatesPublicationSCMP "Clear out any skeletons and get down to election business"
ID48Date14 Nov, 2011SubjectElection ResultsPublicationSCMP "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's to blame for election fall"
ID47Date31 Oct, 2011SubjectPeople PowerPublicationSCMP "Latter-day Bourbons repeated blunders from the past"
ID46Date17 Oct, 2011SubjectElectioneeringPublicationSCMP "Shake-up may see more skeletons come tumbling out"
ID45Date03 Oct, 2011SubjectPolicing PrioritiesPublicationSCMP "Police should be seen to be acting on traffic black spots"
ID44Date19 Sept, 2011SubjectCE ElectionPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong may just see a real contest for its top job"
ID43Date05 Sept, 2011SubjectPhilippine TourismPublicationSCMP "Over-the-top travel alert puts the system’s credibility at risk"
ID42Date22 Aug, 2011SubjectCE ElectionPublicationSCMP "A leader acceptable to Beijing and backed by us"
ID41Date8 Aug, 2011SubjectRight of AbodePublicationSCMP "Reason has been cast out in the debate over maids’ rights"
ID40Date25 Jul, 2011SubjectPolicy MysteriesPublicationSCMP "Hong Kong seeks CSI help with two mysteries"
ID39Date11 Jul, 2011SubjectBy-election BillPublicationSCMP "By-election bill debacle could create a few more ‘big losers’"
ID38Date27 Jun, 2011SubjectGodfrey casePublicationSCMP "Government contract scandal becomes history"
ID37Date13 Jun, 2011SubjectUnauthorised building worksPublicationSCMP "Don't delay dealing with the mess over illegal structures"
ID36Date30 May, 2011SubjectCivic PartyPublicationSCMP "First rule of wooing voters: don't pick fights with them"
ID35Date23 May, 2011SubjectBy-ElectionsPublicationSCMP "Reform plan for by-elections is just spitting the dummy"
ID34Date16 May, 2011SubjectEducation FundingPublicationSCMP "Value of a good education for all is in the balance"
ID33Date2 May, 2011SubjectRetired OfficialsPublicationSCMP "One rule does not fit all"
ID32Date18 Apr, 2011SubjectMinimum WagePublicationSCMP "Wage law's loopholes invite more policy ills"
ID31Date4 Apr, 2011SubjectMandatory Provident FundPublicationSCMP "Only major surgery can save ailing MPF"
ID30Date21 Mar, 2011SubjectSeeking ConsensusPublicationSCMP "The futility of trying to please everyone"
ID29Date7 Mar, 2011SubjectGovernment ExpenditurePublicationSCMP "Public spending must follow the 'golden rule'"
ID28Date21 Feb, 2011SubjectTransport AllowancePublicationSCMP "The minister who kicked the hornets' nest"
ID27Date7 Feb, 2011SubjectIncome SubsidyPublicationSCMP "An income subsidy may help where welfare fails"
ID26Date24 Jan, 2011SubjectAir PollutionPublicationSCMP "Sweetener that would be a breath of fresh air"
ID25Date10 Jan, 2011SubjectImmigration ControlPublicationSCMP "It's our right to decide who can enter the city"
ID24Date27 Dec, 2010SubjectLegCo ElectionsPublicationSCMP "Real democracy? It's all about a sense of proportion"
ID23Date14 Dec, 2010SubjectC M Leung casePublicationSCMP "Job blunder exposes flaws in control system"
ID22Date30 Nov, 2010SubjectCompetition PolicyPublicationSCMP "Government not above principle of fair play"
ID21Date16 Nov, 2010SubjectChief ExecutivePublicationSCMP "Wanted: one-term chief with a long-term agenda"
ID20Date2 Nov, 2010SubjectSmall HousesPublicationSCMP "Why haven't we buried the small house policy?"
ID19Date19 Oct, 2010SubjectWaste DisposalPublicationSCMP "Government gets buried under its own mess"
ID18Date5 Oct, 2010SubjectAsian GamesPublicationSCMP "Feeble push to host Asian Games is self-defeating"
ID17Date21 Sept, 2010SubjectNational SecurityPublicationSCMP "Why we must tackle Article 23 legislation"
ID16Date6 Sept, 2010SubjectLand PricesPublicationSCMP "Will Tsang's term end with a bang or a whimper?"
ID15Date24 Aug, 2010SubjectGovernment MessagesPublicationSCMP "Message to government: don't treat us like idiots"
ID14Date10 Aug, 2010SubjectData ProtectionPublicationSCMP "Octopus isn't the only predator out there"
ID13Date27 July, 2010Subject2012 CE ElectionPublicationSCMP "Let the horse-trading begin for the 2012 election"
ID12Date13 July, 2010SubjectLegCo PresidentPublicationSCMP "Legco chief must step down for taking a stand"
ID11Date28 June, 2010SubjectPolitical LeaksPublicationSCMP "A leak is easier to fix than strained relations"
ID10Date14 June, 2010SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Tsang must say "yes" to Democrats' proposal"
ID9Date1 June, 2010SubjectTsang/Eu DebatePublicationSCMP "Unlikely hero saves the girl (but can he save the day?)"
ID8Date18 May, 2010SubjectResponse to swine fluPublicationSCMP "The painful side effects of a shot in the dark"
ID7Date4 May, 2010SubjectCompulsory PurchasePublicationSCMP "Early rumbles from the compulsory-sale volcano"
ID6Date20 Apr, 2010SubjectPost Service EmploymentPublicationSCMP "A disservice to former officials seeking work"
ID5Date6 Apr, 2010SubjectMinimum WagePublicationSCMP "It's no longer if, but how, to set a minimum wage"
ID4Date23 Mar, 2010SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Beware Ministers bearing guarantees on Reform"
ID3Date9 Mar, 2010SubjectProperty DevelopmentPublicationSCMP "Home Wreckers"
ID2Date22 Feb, 2010SubjectRetirement AgePublicationSCMP "Age is no barrier"
ID1Date1 Feb, 2010SubjectPolitical ReformPublicationSCMP "Dumb and Dumber"
The articles listed here are the original versions as submitted, prior to editing by the SCMP which also gave them the titles shown above. All from No.3 onwards were also carried in Chinese on the website of the Hong Kong Economic Journal a few days later. This practice ceased from mid-2013 onwards.